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4 Ways to Lose Weight

There are various ways to lose weight to overcome excess weight. However, it requires good planning, appropriate programs, and discipline in living it. That way, not only can you achieve the ideal body weight, you can also get a healthy body.

Basically, a person's weight gain or loss depends on the number of calories consumed and the number of calories burned by the body during activities.

lose weight

Excessive calorie intake that is not accompanied by regular physical activity or exercise can make you gain weight. This is because unused calories will be stored in the body as fat.
Therefore, to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories and increase physical activity, so that your body breaks down fat for energy.

The Right Way to Lose Weight

The key to weight loss is good planning and strong self-discipline. Here are some ways to lose weight that you can do to get the ideal weight:

1. Determine the desired target weight

The first step you need to do when you want to lose weight is to determine the weight loss target you want to achieve.

However, do not set extreme targets, because this can actually cause various health problems, ranging from constipation, diarrhea, reduced muscle mass, to malnutrition, which will ultimately thwart weight loss efforts.

Make a gradual weight loss goal of 0.5–1 kilograms per week or 2-4 kilograms per month. Not only healthier, setting targets in this way can also make the ideal body weight that will be achieved last a long time.

2. Eat healthy food

After setting a weight loss target, start limiting the consumption of unhealthy foods and replace them with healthy, nutritionally balanced foods. The following are some types of food that are good for losing weight:

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are one of the healthiest food choices for a diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and contains fewer calories than other types of food. Adding both to your daily diet can lose weight and make your body healthier.

Food sources of complex carbohydrates

Even though you are trying to lose weight, you still need to get carbohydrate intake which is the main source of energy for the body.

However, limit the consumption of simple carbohydrates from foods that are high in sugar and flour, such as pastries, breads, and noodles.

Eat foods that are rich in fiber and can keep you full longer, such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, and bananas.

Low-fat protein food

Foods that are good sources of protein are consumed to lose weight. This is because protein can keep you full longer so you don't overeat.

Some types of foods that are rich in protein are eggs, fish, nuts, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products.

3. Applying a regular diet

Irregular eating patterns can make you hungry faster and overeat. For example, skipping breakfast will only make the body less energetic to carry out activities, so you will be hungry quickly and want to eat more during the day.

Therefore, make it a habit to eat regularly 3 times a day, namely in the morning, afternoon, and evening. In between, you can eat healthy snacks so you don't overeat at mealtimes.

4. Exercise regularly

Various types of exercise, such as cycling, swimming, jogging, and weight training, are highly recommended for those of you who are undergoing a weight loss program. Exercise will increase the body's metabolism, so that more calories are burned.

Choose the type of exercise that you like and do it regularly. However, if you have certain medical conditions, you should first consult with your doctor to find out the type of exercise that is suitable and the limits of exercise that are safe for your condition.

How to Maintain Ideal Body Weight

One of the questions that often arise after someone has lost weight is how to maintain the results that have been obtained. This is because quite a lot of people gain weight again after struggling to lose it.
There are several ways you can do to maintain ideal body weight after successfully losing it, namely:

Keep exercising regularly

To maintain the weight that has been achieved, you are advised to keep exercising regularly. Do exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, 5 times a week.
If you don't have enough time to exercise, keep your body active by doing light activities in between routines, such as walking or climbing stairs.

Avoid skipping breakfast

The next way to maintain weight is to have breakfast every morning. Skipping breakfast will interfere with concentration and make you feel hungry faster. As a result, you will eat more during the day, so the weight can be regained.

Enough rest

Fatigue and lack of energy due to lack of sleep are often the cause of a person's reluctance to do activities and exercise. Not only that, lack of rest also triggers increased production of ghrelin, the hormone that causes hunger.
Therefore, get enough sleep at least 7-9 hours every day so that you don't gain weight again.

Reduce stress

When stressed, a person tends to eat more, because his body produces the hormone cortisol which can increase appetite, and usually the food consumed when stressed is unhealthy food.

To keep yourself from gaining more weight, manage stress by doing activities you enjoy, listening to music, or practicing relaxation techniques, such as meditation or yoga.

To achieve the ideal body weight target, it takes the right way to lose weight and discipline in living it. If you don't lose weight even though you have done the above methods, consult your doctor to get a weight loss program that suits your condition.

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