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6 Ways to Overcome Panic Attacks Quickly

"Although generally harmless, panic attack symptoms can be very painful for the person experiencing it. Therefore, it's good to know some quick ways to deal with it. For example, controlling fear, asking for help from the closest person, to imagining being in a fun place.”

Panic attack is the emergence of feelings of anxiety and fear that come suddenly. This condition can also be accompanied by a number of symptoms such as shaking, disorientation, nausea, irregular heartbeat, dry mouth, shortness of breath, sweating and dizziness. The causes and triggers can also vary.
In addition, please note that panic attacks can be experienced by anyone. However, young women to adults are most susceptible to experiencing it, when compared to men, children, and people who are old.

6 Ways to Overcome Panic Attacks Quickly - Lifetospirit

Therefore, it's good to know some ways to deal with panic attacks quickly. What do you think? Come on, see the explanation here!

Effective Ways to Overcome Panic Attack

The symptoms of a panic attack are harmless, but can be very painful for the person experiencing it. Well, here are some ways to deal with panic attacks simply and quickly, including:

1. Controlling Fear

Reporting from the NHS, the fear that arises should not control your mind. When a panic attack comes, control your fear by reassuring yourself that it will end soon.

“Panic attacks always pass and the symptoms are not a sign of anything dangerous. Tell yourself that your symptoms are caused by anxiety," said clinical psychologist professor Paul Salkovskis.

2. Asking People Nearby for Help

If panic attack symptoms such as sweating occur when you are with friends or family, ask them to help you. You can tell them honestly how they are feeling to feel more at ease. Furthermore, you can ask them for help to convince yourself that these panic attack symptoms will end soon.

3. Controlling Breathing

Overcoming the next panic attack can be done by controlling breathing. Make breathing slower, deeper, and more regular. Well, here is how to do it, among others:

  • Inhale slowly through your nose.
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
  • Use a count of 1-5 to inhale.

4. Close your eyes for a moment

Reporting from Healthline, some panic attacks can be caused by triggers that overwhelm you. Especially if you are in a very busy environment that makes it difficult for you to concentrate. If you can't manage it, it can trigger a panic attack.

Therefore, try to close your eyes for a moment when you have a panic attack. This can block some of the stimuli that occur around you so you can focus more on regulating your breathing.

5. Using Muscle Relaxation Techniques

Like breathing, muscle relaxation techniques can also stop a panic attack that is being felt. To do this, try to relax a muscle like your fingers on your hand, or another part like your neck in your upper body.

6. Imagining a Fun Place

When a panic attack hits, you can also try to imagine being in a place that makes you happy. For example, such as a sunny beach with soft rolling waves and white sand. Focus on imagining being there in great detail. Imagine digging your toes into the warm sand, or smelling the ocean.

Can Panic Attacks Be Prevented?

Reporting from the NHS, there are several ways that can also be done as a step to prevent panic attacks, including:

  • Doing breathing exercises every day can help prevent panic attacks, as well as relieve them when panic strikes.
  • Regular exercise, especially aerobic exercise, can help a person manage stress levels. In addition, regular exercise can also release tension, improve mood, and increase self-confidence.
  • Eat regular meals to stabilize blood sugar levels in the body.
  • Avoid consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and smoking. Because, all three can make panic attacks worse when they are happening.
  • Performing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can identify and change negative thought patterns that can trigger panic attacks.
  • Eat regular meals to stabilize blood sugar levels in the body.
  • Avoid consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and smoking. Because, all three can make panic attacks worse when they are happening.
  • Performing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can identify and change negative thought patterns that can trigger panic attacks.

Those are some simple ways to deal with panic attacks quickly. If someone close to you is having a panic attack, try to calm them down and reassure them that the symptoms will go away soon. Although panic attacks are generally harmless, if left untreated, they can certainly harm the sufferer.