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6 How to Lower Blood Fat Without Drugs

Blood fats that meet protein will form lipoproteins or cholesterol to support the function of body cells. However, blood fat levels that are too high can trigger various diseases, so levels need to be kept in balance.

There are two types of lipoprotein blood lipids, namely HDL and LDL. HDL or good cholesterol is useful for preventing blockages in blood vessels, while LDL or bad cholesterol often causes health problems.

In addition to lipoproteins, there are also other types of fat in the blood, namely triglycerides. If the amount is excessive, triglycerides are also bad for the health of blood vessels.

6 How to Lower Blood Fat Without Drugs - Lifetospirit

To determine the level of fat in the blood, you can do a cholesterol check. Generally, this examination is routinely carried out when a person undergoes a medical check-up.

If your blood fat level exceeds the normal limit, you can lower it in various ways, from adopting a healthy lifestyle to taking medication when needed.

Risk Factors for High Blood Fat Levels

There are several factors that affect high blood fat levels, including:

  • Eating too many fatty foods
  • Taking certain medications, such as steroids, hydrochlorthiazide, or birth control pills, over the long term
  • Have a history of high blood fat
  • Have kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, or hypothyroidism
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages

For those of you who experience any of the above factors, you should start paying attention to fat levels in the blood. Although excess blood fat rarely causes symptoms, it can build up and clog blood vessels.
If the condition is left unchecked, various complications can occur. Complications in question include heart attacks, strokes, and even death.

How to lower blood fat without drugs

Although excess blood fat can be harmful to health. However, there are many natural ways to lower blood fat levels that you can do, namely:

1. Limit consumption of foods high in saturated fat

Consumption of foods containing saturated fat can increase fat levels in the blood. These foods are usually sourced from animals, such as offal, egg yolks, shrimp, and dairy products.

You can also replace red meat with fish, such as sardines, tilapia, or salmon. In addition, also limit the consumption of fried foods. It is better to process and consume food by boiling or steaming it.

2. Consume lots of fiber

High-fiber foods can reduce fat levels in the blood. Some types of fiber foods in question include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts.

Increasing the consumption of these foods is known to lower cholesterol, because the sterol content in it is an antioxidant.

3. Consuming omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids can lower triglycerides. In addition, these fatty acids also have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce blockages in blood vessels, and thin the blood.

Some types of foods that are rich in omega-3 are walnuts, fish oil, salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines.

5. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise also plays a role in increasing good cholesterol levels and lowering bad cholesterol. Try to exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes every day. Types of exercise that you can choose, such as walking, swimming, or cycling.

6. Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages

As previously mentioned, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is one of the factors that cause blood fat to increase. Therefore, if you want to reduce blood fat levels, limit the consumption of this type of drink.

If the above how to lower blood fat does not work and the blood fat level is still high, try to consult a doctor. That way, the doctor can determine whether you need blood lipid-lowering drugs or not.


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