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5 Treatment to Prevent Diabetes Comlications

Prevent Diabetes Complications - Diabetes is a serious disease and has a long-term treatment. However, this treatment effort will get success if the treatment is performed correctly. It is because the benefits are very a great; begin from reducing the risk of serious complications and even which threatens the lives of sufferers.

Well, if you or anyone closest who suffered diabetes, let's do the following 5 ways to help the treatment and to be able to enjoy a healthier life in the future. Here are the tips:

Treatment to Prevent Diabetes

Prevent Diabetes Complications


Make a commitment to manage your diabetes complications. Learn about all things related to diabetes. Make a plan of healthy foods and physical activity as part of a daily routine.

Keep your weight. Control your blood sugar levels, and follow the doctor's instructions to regulate your blood sugar levels. Ask for assistance to your diabetes care team when it needs.

Do not smoke

Smoking increases the risk of a variety of diabetes complications, including:

Reduces blood flow in the legs and feet, which refers to the infection, and the possibility of removal of body parts through surgery (amputation)

    Heart disease
    Eye disease, which leads to blindness
    The nerve damage
    Kidney illness

Keep your blood pressure and cholesterol

Just like with diabetes, high blood pressure can damage your blood vessels. High cholesterol is also a fear because the damage will be worse and more rapid when you have diabetes complications.

When these conditions occur simultaneously, they can lead to heart attack, stroke, or other life-threatening conditions.

Eat healthy foods; low-fat diet and doing regular exercise can take a long time to control high blood pressure and cholesterol. Your doctor also may prescribe medication.

Schedule a physical and eye examination regularly
During the physical examination, the doctor will ask about nutrition and activity levels and checking if there are complications related to the diabetic. It’s including signs of kidney malfunction, nerve damage and heart disease to see another medical problem.

The ophthalmologist will check if there are signs of retinal damage, cataracts, and glaucoma.

Update the vaccines in your body

High blood sugar can weaken the immune system, which makes routine vaccines is more vital than ever. Do not forget to always ask your doctor about:

The flu vaccine. The flu vaccine every year can help you stay healthy during flu season and also prevent serious complications from the flu.

Pneumonia vaccine. Sometimes the pneumonia vaccine requires an action. When you have diabetic complications or your age are 65 years or older, you may need a vaccination for 5 years.

Hepatitis B vaccine. Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the hepatitis B vaccine for adults with diabetes who had not previously received the vaccine and younger than age 60 years. If you are aged 60 years or older and have never received a hepatitis B vaccine, talk to your doctor if this is good or not for you.

Other vaccines. Update your tetanus vaccine. Your doctor may recommend other vaccines also.